Donnerstag, 29. April 2010

The Dubai in me

Dokumentarfilm von Christian von Borris über die Ausbeutung in Dubai

(bei Johannes Kreidler gefunden, Danke! ) 

AKTUELL (04.06.2010) funzt die Playlist nicht, obwohl alle videos noch drin ist, auch der link zur Playlist lässt sich uneingeloggt nicht aufrufen. Sehr sehr Seltsam !
poste also nur das erste der neun videos und verinke unten die anderen Teile:

Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9

 Once the manic burst of building has stopped and the whirlwind has slowed, the secrets of Dubai are slowly seeping out. This is a city built from nothing in just a few wild decades on credit and ecocide, suppression and slavery. Dubai is a living metal metaphor for the neoliberal globalized world that may be crashing - at last - into the sands.

"The thing you have to understand about Dubai is - nothing is what it seems, nothing. This isn't a city, it's a con-job. They lure you in telling you it's one thing - a modern kind of place - but beneath the surface it's a medieval dictatorship." (Huffington Post)
(no rights reserverd)